Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park

Explore the Wild Beauty of Akagera National Park: A Premier Guided Tour Experience in Rwanda

Join us on a breathtaking journey to Akagera National Park, one of Rwanda's most stunning natural treasures. Nestled along the eastern border of Rwanda, this majestic park offers a unique blend of savannah, forest, and wetland habitats, providing a sanctuary for an array of wildlife and making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Enjoy this grate tour for only $360 pp.

If you want more information do not hesitate to ask us.

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Or contact us directly on phone or whatsapp on
+250 791 375 469

To book this tour, you can book it together with your stay, via our online booking system.

Akagera National Park: Lion in a tree

Tour Highlights:

  • Guided Safari Tours: Embark on a guided safari in a comfortable, open-air vehicle, perfect for spotting some of Africa’s most iconic wildlife, including elephants, lions, giraffes, and hundreds of bird species. Our expert guides, fluent in multiple languages, are passionate about wildlife and will enrich your tour with fascinating insights and stories about the park's inhabitants.
  • Boat Trips on Lake Ihema: Glide across the serene waters of Lake Ihema, an ideal setting for wildlife viewing from a different perspective. Watch hippos wallow and crocodiles bask on the shores, all from the safe distance of your guided boat tour.
  • Bird Watching Excursions: With over 500 bird species, Akagera is a paradise for bird watchers. Our guided tours are designed to give both novice and experienced birders memorable sightings of rare and endemic bird species.
  • Cultural Experiences: Gain a deeper understanding of the local culture with a visit to the surrounding communities. Experience traditional Rwandan hospitality and learn about the conservation efforts that are integral to the community's way of life.
  • Photography Opportunities: Capture the stunning landscapes and wildlife of Akagera. Whether you're an amateur or a professional photographer, the park’s breathtaking sunrise and sunset provide perfect backdrops for that once-in-a-lifetime shot.

Why Choose Our Guided Tours?

  • Experienced Guides: Our professional and friendly guides are equipped with extensive knowledge of the park’s ecosystem and wildlife behaviors, ensuring you have an educational and safe experience.
  • Customizable Itineraries: Whether you’re looking for a day trip or a multi-day adventure, we offer customizable itineraries that cater to your interests and schedule.
  • Commitment to Conservation: By joining our tours, you are supporting local conservation initiatives that help protect the park and its wildlife.

Ideal for:

  • Wildlife enthusiasts
  • Nature photographers
  • Adventure travelers
  • Families seeking an educational holiday
  • Couples looking for a unique getaway

Embark on an unforgettable journey to Akagera National Park with us and witness the untamed beauty of Rwanda. Our guided tours are designed to provide an immersive experience that connects you with the natural world while respecting and preserving the environment. Book your adventure today and discover why Rwanda is renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity. Join us for an adventure that goes beyond the ordinary—explore Rwanda, where nature meets wonder.